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Mapping & Data Analysis

North Country Council
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Mapping & Data Analysis

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) or mapping data is a planning tool that uses geography and statistics to manipulate and present information. GIS can help you visualize, analyze, and understand relationships, patterns, and trends in data. The use of GIS can support a variety of projects and functions within municipalities and organizations. 

The Council can provide various services by utilizing GIS- custom maps, online and interactive maps, Story Maps, brochures, graphics, and visualization, such as asset inventories. All these options are ways in which the Council can assist your community or organization in sharing plans, and programs, or modeling your story for development. Let us help tell your community’s story through data. Working directly with your community or organization, we can update maps, create new ones, or develop other visuals through various platforms.


Give our staff a call or email us. We would love to hear about what you are working on and find ways to help.