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New Hampshire Ten Year Plan (TYP)
The New Hampshire Department of Transportation creates a plan for improvements to the state’s transportation system every two years, known as the Ten Year Plan (TYP).
“New Hampshire RSA 228:99 and RSA 240 require that the New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT) propose a plan for improvements to the State’s transportation system every two years. The purpose of the Ten Year Plan is to develop and implement a plan allowing New Hampshire to fully participate in federally supported transportation improvement projects as well as to outline projects funded with State transportation dollars.”
The plan includes projects such as:
- Highway improvements (operational improvements, access management, intelligent transportation systems, widening, technology operation improvements)
- Asset management (bridge rehabilitation, bridge replacement, pavement repair/replacement)
- Bicycle and pedestrian improvements (sidewalks, bike trails, multi-use paths, traffic calming improvements)
- Infrastructure-related travel demand management (park & ride lots, transit or HOV lanes, priority signalization, bus shelters, intermodal transportation centers)
- Planning studies (road diets, corridor studies, network studies, pedestrian/cyclist safety studies)
NHDOT Ten Year Plan Page
For the full list of GACIT hearings, the draft 2025-2034 Ten Year Plan, and other information about the Ten Year Plan, visit the New Hampshire Department of Transportation’s website:
Visit the NHDOT project information center to search and find projects in your area. Each project has additional details available for public review.
Solicitation for Projects
Pursuant to RSA 228:99 and RSA 240, the North Country Council Regional Planning Commission is solicitating projects from its communities and partner agencies to be considered for inclusion in New Hampshire’s FY 2027-2036 Ten-Year Transportation Improvement Plan. The Ten-Year Transportation Improvement Plan (TYP) is updated every two years and serves as the State of New Hampshire’s capital improvement program from infrastructure across all modes of transportation.
The Council is requesting feedback from your community to reaffirm your support for already programmed transportation projects or to submit a proposal to nominate new projects to be considered for inclusion in the TYP process.
Once submitted, regional project proposals are ranked by priority and have preliminary engineering designs prepared. These priority projects are submitted to the NHDOT for review and consideration, and then presented to the Executive Council and Governor before being enacted by the Legislature officially as the Ten-Year Transportation Improvement Plan.
Submit your Project
Curious if your municipality has a project that is a good fit for the ten year plan?
Email Nick Altonga at naltonaga@nccouncil.org or click the link below to submit a contact form.