
People & Places for Growth ED Webinar Series Part 3 Combating the “Brain Drain”

This year the Council has been hosting a 4-part economic development webinar series, People & Places for Growth. The next session will be on August 7th at noon the topic: Combating the “Brain Drain.”

Have you heard of the term brain drain? Merriam-Webster dictionary defines it as: the departure of educated or professional people from one country, economic sector, or field for another usually for better pay or living conditions. Brain drain is happening here in New Hampshire and especially in the North Country.

How can we address it? Join us on August 7th at 12pm for a webinar featuring 4 industry professionals that are working to retain our workforce through trainings, incentives, quality work and of life.


If you missed the previous sessions, they are available on our Tools & Library page, under Economic Development Tools, found on the North Country Council Resources & Guides tab.

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